How to enrol
For successful enrolment into North Albany Senior High School, parents will be required to complete two stages of the enrolment process; this process takes some time to complete.
Stage 1
A stage 1 Application for enrolment form needs to be completed, which can be accessed from the school front office or by clicking the link below.
You will be required to supply the school office with the following documents:
Copy of Birth Certificate
Up-to-date Medicare Immunisation History Statement. This can also be accessed through your MyGov account or your Medicare online account.
Copy of your Medicare card
Copy of Current Proof of Address must be utility bill dated within the last 3 months or your rates notice. Drivers Licence is not acceptable as proof of address.
Passport, Visa documentation and/or Australian Citizenship Certificate Family Court Orders (If applicable)
Stage 2
Once the Application for Enrolment has been accepted, parents must complete the full Stage 2 Student Enrolment Form and will be asked to attend a meeting with the relevant Deputy. This document requires all parent details, contact phone numbers, emergency contacts, any applicable court/family orders, full disclosure of medical conditions and supporting paperwork.
All students are encouraged to wear a school uniform. For further information all school information is provided in the Parent Guide via the link below.
Stage 3
New students must present to the school office on their first day and collect their timetable.
Students Online in Public Schools Policy
Financial support provided by parents has always played an enabling role in the provision of resources that extend the school's capacity to add value to students' learning experience.
Government funding is provided to schools for the operating costs associated with the education of students. These costs include salaries of teaching and support staff, student support services, school buildings, furniture and equipment, school maintenance and school operational costs.
Parents are responsible for other costs including the purchase of workbooks, hire of textbooks and specialist materials used in practical subjects. These costs are referred to as Contributions and Charges. All Contributions and Charges have been approved by the NASHS School Council. Parents are also responsible for personal items including pens, pencils, files and computer printing costs.
At NASHS we are committed to keeping costs for parents as low as possible. Over many years NASHS has built up an excellent range of resources and students are able to participate in a wide range of educational experiences both inside and outside the classroom. We hope that we will be able to continue to rely on the support of parents. Your support through payment of Contributions and Charges will help us to ensure the continued provision of quality resources and services.
Lower School Voluntary Contributions: are used by our school to provide and enhance funds provided by the government. They are used to purchase many resources including class textbooks, photocopied materials and some materials in elective subjects. Parents are expected to pay contributions to assist in providing adequate materials for their child/children.
Charges: these apply to elective subjects in lower school and all upper school courses. High-cost electives are subjects that cost an additional value to participate in the course. There is a high demand for these subjects and payment of all charges associated with electives is compulsory. If you cannot provide funds to support these projects your child/children will be able to attend another program to support in their total education.
Any family who is unable to meet payment deadlines or wish to arrange scheduled payments are welcome to contact the Business Manager to discuss payment options. Payments may be made via
(Please include Student Name & year for identification)
The Western Australian Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs. Click the link below to find out more.
A link to the Secondary Assistance Scheme application form and the ABSTUDY Supplement Allowance form can be found on the 'Parent Information' page of our website, under Contribution & Charges.
It is important that ALL Charges & Contributions are paid to enable the school to continue to provide quality education to all students.
Have you ever wondered which school buses are available in your area? Or what the difference is between the orange and green school buses?
There are lots of different bus routes in Albany, covering all parts of town and servicing all schools. This map will help you see which buses are operating near your place, and lets you know who to contact to find out more.
Catching the school bus is a great way to reduce parking congestion around the school, provides a safe way for children to get to school, and helps to support kids to be independent.
Transregional Website and Bus Timetable
For more information on which route will work for you, contact the relevant bus provider.
© 2023 North Albany Senior High School