
It’s not OK to be away – A better attendance means a brighter future

It is a simple fact that the better a student’s attendance, the better their results will be. By attending school each day students have a much greater likelihood of actively engaging in the curriculum and developing the knowledge and skills they need for future personal and career success.


Those students who attend school more regularly also tend to have a stronger sense of belonging, they feel part of a community, they have a solid group of friends and find school more enjoyable.


Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend either by:

Staff at NASHS:

  • Mark rolls every day and every period
  • Ask for notes if your child has been absent
  • Check on your child’s wellbeing if they are away from school a lot
  • Inform family/caregiver when they are absent

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my responsibility as a parent/caregiver?

Make sure your child:

  • attends school on ALL school days
  • is on time every day

Make sure you:

  • provide the school with an explanation if your child is away
  • contact the school if your child does not want to go to school
  • arrange doctor and dentist appointments out of school hours
  • arrange personal shopping trips with your son/daughter or birthday celebrations out of school hours
  • do not allow your child to stay at home for minor reasons.

Is regular attendance at school important?

  • Yes – from the first day. If your child misses the basic skills in primary school they can experience difficulties with their learning
  • Regular attendance is essential to make sure learning is not disrupted. Regular learning provides building blocks for the future
  • Schools help children to develop important social skills, such as friendship building, teamwork, communication skills and healthy self-esteem.

What can I expect from the school?

  • Monitoring of student attendance and review progress on a weekly basis
  • Strategies to help you as a parent encourage your child to go to school.

What help can I get if my child refuses to go to school or is truanting?

The school can offer a range of support options:

  • teacher working with the student in a supportive, counselling role school student welfare co-ordinator working with the student
  • provide a mentor for your child
  • home visits to identify the problem and help work it through with parents
  • identify the reasons why your child doesn’t want to go to school
  • strategies to help you encourage your child to go to school
  • develop an incentive program to encourage your child to attend school
  • link with community agencies

Must I send my child to school every day?

Yes, unless:

  • your child is too sick or injured to go to school
  • your child has an infectious disease
  • the principal is provided with any other genuine and acceptable reason for absence.


Will my child be marked absent if they are doing a TAFE, VET or community program?

No – as long as it is part of the school program.


What if my child is involved in sport?

No – as long as it is part of the school program.


Do I need to let the school know if my child has been away?

Yes – for the wellbeing of your child, Department of Education has an attendance policy for teachers and schools.

© 2023 North Albany Senior High School