Library Services

Borrowing Policy


A maximum of 4 items 

Books can be borrowed for 2 weeks

Magazines can be borrowed for 1 week

Newspapers are available for reading in the library only.

All items can be reserved for you at the circulation desk or by logging into the Library Search Page and reserving titles.


Items can be renewed twice and must be sighted by library staff before being renewed for the third time. Books cannot be renewed if a reservation has been placed on the title.


eBooks and Audiobooks can be loaned by downloading and logging onto the ePlatfrom app; from the app, you can search, loan or reserve items 24/7 from the ePlatform catalogue.

eBooks and Audiobooks can be borrowed for two weeks, with a limit of two from each format at one time.

Databases can be accessed via the Digital Resources and Links Page.


Opening Hours


Monday 8.15am  to 3:05 pm -  closed after school
Tuesday 8:15 am to 3:05 pm - closed after school
Wednesday 8:15 am to 3:05 pm - closed after school
Thursday 8:15 am to 3:05 pm - closed after school
Friday 8:15 am to 3:05 pm - closed after school




A photocopier is available in the library for students to access


Print credit can be paid at the library circulation desk, just ask any staff member for help


Print costs are :

Size Colour Greyscale Colour Duplex Grayscale Duplex
A3 $0.30 $0.04 $0.28 $0.02
A4 $0.15 $0.02 $0.14 $0.01
Default -other sizes $0.15 $0.02 $0.14 $0.01


Book Requests


If you would like to read a book that the library does not have, you can fill out a request slip found at the circulation desk and hand to a library staff member.  


Requests are ordered at the beginning of each month and can take up to 2 weeks arrive.


Study Areas


The library caters for students wanting quiet individual study space, collaborative learning spaces and reading areas for study or pleasure reading.


Library spaces may be booked on request. Please see library staff.




Overdue or Lost Items


Students are informed via email or post of overdue items. 

Students are not permitted to borrow if there are any outstanding overdue library resources.


If the item is not returned or returned damaged, a replacement fee will be charged. If the fee is not paid within a reasonable time frame, the cost of the resource will be charged to school accounts. Refunds are issued if the item is found and returned.


If you would like further information regarding this process please contact Ms McNeill in the library or by email




Library displays of student work, special events and cultural awareness are continually happening throughout the year.




Staff Members 

Jean Davis - Library Officer


Kirsty Luscombe - Library Officer


Bryan Scott - Technical Support Officer


Lachlan Wilkes - Technical Support Officer


© 2023 North Albany Senior High School