Secondary Assistance | NAPLAN |
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Could you use an extra $500 towards school costs in 2025?
The Saver Plus Program is about boosting financial skills, to develop (and keep) good savings habits.
You can put money towards education expenses including:
• Computers, laptops, and tablets
• Books, uniforms & shoes
• Sports & music, camps, excursions, and more…
If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it. $500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months).
Visit for more details.
The Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS) is to assist low-income families with secondary schooling costs for students in Years 7 to 12. It is made up of two allowances:
Changes due to COVID-19 situation. We now accept emailed applications with attached scans or photographs of concession cards. The parent/guardian can email their application with attached proof of their concession card as either of the following.
Secondary Assistance Scheme Application Form
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Year 7 and 9 National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy - NAPLAN
In May all Year 7 and 9 students across Australia will take part in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
NAPLAN is designed to help parents and teachers better judge how Year 7 and 9 students are performing in relation to nationally-agreed standards. As this has become part of our reporting to parent processes, it is anticipated that all students will participate.
NAPLAN Assessments will be conducted in Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation), Reading and Numeracy. There are a total of 4 assessments, Writing is the first assessment and its results are used to set the appropriate level for the following Literacy assessments.
It is important to attend the Writing test due to its significance. Each assessment is approximately one hour in length. The NAPLAN assessments will take place during normal school. At NASHS all Year 7 and 9 students will sit the tests under formal assessment conditions in their classrooms.
Students absent on the assessment day/s will be provided with an opportunity to do the assessment later in that week. Withdrawal and Exemption forms can be found here on the website.
Click here to see Parent/Carer information on OLNA Prequalification and Year 9 Naplan.
NAPLAN Website
© 2023 North Albany Senior High School