Year 10 School Vaccination Program.
The 2024 WA School Based Immunisation Program will be offered at your school by the local community school health immunisation nurses.
• Year 10 students are eligible to receive the free meningococcal ACWY vaccine to protect against 4 strains of the disease. Meningococcal spreads easily and older teenagers have some of the highest rates of infection.
• All students require parent/guardian consent before they can receive any
vaccination at school.
• For information and consent for vaccinations via VaccinateWA follow this link
School-based immunisation program (
• If you are not able to access the online system, you can request a hard copy form from school or copy below link into your internet browser for a printable consent that can be returned to school.
School-based Immunisation consent form (
For queries regarding the immunisation program please contact your school
nurse or email or phone 9842 7500
If you choose not to have your child vaccinated at school or they are absent on the day, these vaccinations can be given at your GP, participating pharmacies or the Immunisation clinic located at the Albany Health Campus. For an appointment phone 9892 2499.